28 agosto-8 settembre: “Change the life of children with a disability”

No any organization, no any service for people with a disability in all the south west Bangladesh, and those in Dhaka are impractical, law-quality and expensive. Help us to set up a workshop able to provide assistive devices. A device for a child with a disability is essential to grow, preventing joint and bone deformities, necessary for walking, playing, eating, doing any other daily activity and feeling part of the community.

We need your help to: 

1. Supply materials, equipment and machinery suitable for constructing support appliances and maintenance, starting from essential orthotic devices and wheelchairs, learning to process of leather parts, varnish of metal parts and so on.
2. Train local technicians regarding device making process
3. Assist 100 first beneficiaries 




Rishilpi International Onlus

Via dei Tulipani, 5 - 20146 Milano Italy

Tel. e Whatsapp +39 349 250 68 61 - Fax +39 02 87 15 10 20

info@prouomorishilpi.org - www.prouomorishilpi.org

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Banca: Intesa Sanpaolo div. Terzo Settore
IBAN IT59Z0306909606100000077515
C/C Postale 1017004688

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